GENET - Global ECT Network

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Eighty years of ECT related research, ranging from controlled clinical investigations to genetics and neurophysiology, has greatly advanced our understanding of the basic and therapeutic mechanisms involved. However, several factors are known to obstruct large-scale retro- and prospective investigations of the basic treatment variables, such as applied charge or EEG-Length. Mainly, existing data collection procedures are inefficient at handling and exporting multi-dimensional panel data structures and EEG, ECG, or EMG related biosignals. Currently these can merely be analyzed by using pre-calculated parameters like the postictal suppression index or maximum sustained coherence. To address these issues, we focus on the standardized collection and collaborative analysis of longitudinal ECT-data and within a novel international multicenter research cooperation. The use of a innovative digital data collection tool allows for efficient storage and analysis of each patient’s treatment data, including biosignals like EEG, ECG, and EMG.

see Freundlieb et al. (2023). DOI: